Thursday, May 31, 2018

The silent injury

Brain injuries are often referred to as "silent injuries" and the "silent epidemic" . Click here for a good brief article about this, titled "If you don't look injured, you must be fine".

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

National Stroke Awareness Month - 40 SECONDS

A stroke happens every 40 seconds. 

Act FAST to reduce recovery time. 



Monday, May 28, 2018

National Stroke Awareness Month - SPREAD THE WORD

With a stroke happening, on average, every 40 seconds to someone in the U.S., chances are you know someone impacted by it. 

Honor them during National Stroke Awareness Month and check out this tool to help you decide how to take action: 



Sunday, May 27, 2018

The music of recovery

In many of the activities of my lab, music plays a huge role, whether it be playing favorite songs for folks as they patiently let us load their EEG caps or while they undergo brain scanning, creating song titles in semantic feature games, NeuroChoir, and more.

I was excited to see this playlist, available to you on Spotify, that includes songs that persons of all ages with many different types of brain injury contributed, as they had some importance to them on their brain injury recovery journey.

Listen to the songs and let us know what you think!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Depression after brain injury

We ask our participants and their caregivers about feelings of depression after stroke or other brain injury. Many times we have to provide resources because they are demonstrating signs of depression according to our questionnaires. There is much work to be done regarding depression after brain injury.

In very severe depression, people can experience suicidal ideation. Take a look at this statistic:

If you or someone you know is experiencing this, please seek help immediately.

Here is the national hotline - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

From BIA of Oregon, here are some tips/suggestions that may also be helpful (

Those with a history of TBI and their family members shared these suggestions for people considering suicide
Distract yourself by:
Reaching out (to a friend or family member)
Writing in a journal
Listening to music
Playing with a pet
Going for a walk
Working on a hobby
Playing cards
Get involved in activities:
Go outdoors
Spend time helping people
Talk with others
Get professional help:
TBI support group
Individual psychotherapy
Medication evaluation
Those with a history of TBI stated that before considering suicide

They felt:

They thought about:
Being a burden
Having failed
Losing their sense of purpose

They had difficulty:
Thinking clearly

They were misusing:

Friday, May 25, 2018

National Stroke Awareness Month - YOUNG STROKE

Think stroke can’t happen to you because you’re young? 

Think again. 

There was a spike of 44% in the number of young Americans (under the age of 45) hospitalized due to stroke over the last decade. 

To learn more, watch this video: 



Thursday, May 24, 2018

Friendships after acquired brain injury (ABI)

We know that social networks take a huge hit after acquired brain injury (ABI). The outcomes for friendships after ABI are much poorer than intimate relationships, where some people do indeed report dissolution of intimate relationships/marriages but others at least report an improvement.

Here are some results out of a charity in the UK which discuss/reports some findings re: friendships.

Consistent themes in successful relationships after ABI highlight, at least in part, the importance of the educational duties that fall under the scope of practice for many/most health care providers. If the friend without the brain injury understood the effects of the brain injury, if they knew how/when to provide practical support for activities of daily living, etc. , friendships were more likely to be sustained.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

National Stroke Awareness Month - KNOW THE SIGNS

Nearly 800,000 people will experience a stroke this year. 

Would you know if you or someone you know was having a stroke? 

Recognizing and responding quickly to stroke symptoms can save lives. 

Learn how to act FAST at



Monday, May 21, 2018

Intimate relationships after acquired brain injury (ABI)

Many huge life changes occur after brain injury, not just for the person with brain injury, but for their loved ones as well. Some of the news about intimate relationships after ABI is discouraging, some encouraging - our lab, in collaboration with others, is currently exploring the impact on relationships, caregiver strain/burden, and more. Here are some findings out of the UK that are interesting and some of their findings mirror patterns we see in our own.