Saturday, May 26, 2018

Depression after brain injury

We ask our participants and their caregivers about feelings of depression after stroke or other brain injury. Many times we have to provide resources because they are demonstrating signs of depression according to our questionnaires. There is much work to be done regarding depression after brain injury.

In very severe depression, people can experience suicidal ideation. Take a look at this statistic:

If you or someone you know is experiencing this, please seek help immediately.

Here is the national hotline - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

From BIA of Oregon, here are some tips/suggestions that may also be helpful (

Those with a history of TBI and their family members shared these suggestions for people considering suicide
Distract yourself by:
Reaching out (to a friend or family member)
Writing in a journal
Listening to music
Playing with a pet
Going for a walk
Working on a hobby
Playing cards
Get involved in activities:
Go outdoors
Spend time helping people
Talk with others
Get professional help:
TBI support group
Individual psychotherapy
Medication evaluation
Those with a history of TBI stated that before considering suicide

They felt:

They thought about:
Being a burden
Having failed
Losing their sense of purpose

They had difficulty:
Thinking clearly

They were misusing:

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